Thursday, October 28, 2010

HW for October 29th

1) Vote for the best 3 compare/contrast (Education Systems) paragraph and explain why you voted for each. Make your votes as comments.


1- This is the best paragraph because it has academic vocabulary and
clear organization. I also think it is very interesting!

2- This is a good paragraph because it uses transitions really well and
includes several ideas that I didn't know about before reading it.

3- I like this paragraph because it helps me to really understand an
Educational system that I didn't know much about before.

2) Complete steps 1-3 of the Writing Assignment (definition paragraph) on pg. 143. Print a copy of all three steps and bring them with you to class next time.

3) Complete pgs. 136-137 and 142-143 in your textbook.

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

HW for October 25th

1) Finish final draft of process timed writing (print final draft and bring to class)

2) Finish Editing Log for process timed writing (bring to class with rough draft)

3) Edit Hawaii and Alaska compare and contrast paragraph on blog

4) Edit Educational System compare/contrast paragraph and post on blog

5) Post at least 5 comments/questions for classmate's Educational System compare/contrast paragraphs

See you Monday:-).

Thursday, October 7, 2010

HW for October 11th

1) Edit your descriptive paragraph/timed writing and post the final draft to your blog.

2) Complete the Editing Log for your descriptive paragraph/timed writing.

3) Add your process paragraph (from class today) to your blog.

4) Comment on at least 5 of your classmate's descriptive paragraphs/timed writings. Try to make your comments meaningful and specific :-).

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hi 2Bers,

I received the following message from one of the instructors who is involved with the Student Activity Club:

Dear Writing Instructors,

On behalf of our Student Activities Club (SAC), I'd like to ask you to encourage your students to contribute to our SAC Newsletter. We want this medium to become an integral part of IECP, reflecting our students' daily interests, concerns, and aspirations. In my writing classes, I urge my students to submit their best completed assignments so that they don't have to write anything additionally for this newsletter. I believe it saves us the time and effort and makes the whole idea more manageable. For example, my students have just completed writing their folktales/fables and then will select the best ones to send to the newsletter. Additionally, I'm sure the students will appreciate the fact that they're writing not just for their teachers - as usual - but for the entire IECP community. It's going to be for real this time! Just think how motivating it could be.

So, I wanted to let you know that if you have a piece of writing that you might like to share with other IECP students, please let me know, and we'll see what we can do:-).